Thursday, January 28, 2010

Effective Presentation Tips

Effective Presentation Tips
Preparing for an effective presentation takes a lot of time and effort on the part of the speaker. Aside from the amount of research involved, it is also important to know how to deliver the message effectively to the audience so that they can understand what you really want to say. There are both technical and practical ways for you to do this.

For an effective presentation, you need to provide enough visuals so that the audience can understand your message easily. You can use PowerPoint presentations, one of the most popular visual tools, to enhance your message. When using the PowerPoint, you need to determine which design, text, and colors you should include to make the visuals effective. In addition, you should set the right amount of transition time for each slide so that you will be able to discuss each concept properly. In line with this, you first need to determine how much time you need for the discussion by talking through the presentation before the actual one.

Of course, the content of your presentation is probably the most important factor in the presentation. You need to make a list of important concepts that needs to be discussed. Remember though, that it would not be practical for you to memorize your text because it will waste a lot of time on your part. Besides, you can scan through your list even while you are in the actual presentation.

The delivery: Verbal and Non-verbal

Verbal language
The delivery of the message is also a very significant factor in the presentation. Before the presentation, you need to think about ideas because from there, your words will flow out naturally. You need to set a natural and moderate tone of the speech so that the audience can understand your words. The projection of your voice is another factor you need to look into; even the audience at the farthest parts of the room needs to hear what you are saying. If there are any key points in your presentation, you need to repeat the key information.

Non-verbal language
While the way you talk is important, the non-verbal aspect in communication is another factor that can influence how the audience will understand your message. You always need to keep your eyes on the audience to let them know that you are interested in letting them learn. In addition, take note that during a presentation, the speaker should always be seen, so never turn your back on the audience or hide behind the lectern. You may also use natural gestures to stress your point. Remember that body language can be as powerful as verbal language so use it accordingly.
Your demeanor during the presentation is another thing that you should practice on. Showing enthusiasm during the presentation is important because nobody wants to listen to a boring presentation that is delivered by a dull speaker. Try to talk as if you are talking to a friend; that means you also need to involve the audience during the discussion by asking them questions. Make the audience feel as if they are part of the presentation so they will enjoy themselves as well. After the presentation, you need to ask whether anyone has a question they want to raise, so that you can be assured that they really understood your message.

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